Today's Outfit

Today I'm getting a new passport, cleaning my room, going to the town and watching my friend's football match. (It's Norway Cup in Oslo now, the worlds biggest football tournament or something) Anywayyy, I'm wearing this;

Not really extaordinary, but I had to show you my zebra shirt. Zebras are supercool. And my leggings are gold, even though you can't see it, and not as long as I would want them to be, but they cost me about 8 $.


I saw "Rebel without a cause" yesterday, and I'm not sure I liked it that much, but James Dean is still hot.

Photo: cch.unam.mx



Usually I freez my ass off in the winter, because I live in Norway, where it's cold as hell, and I hate winters clothing. Very bad combination. But this year it's gonna be diffrent; I'm gonna get a really big, warm coat, I just haven't fount the right one yet. Meanwile, I'm looking at Stella McCartneys fall collection, which I love it quite much. Here are some favourites;

Photos: Elle.com


Oh my

I got home early from the horrible boat trip, went to a party and then headed straigt to Palma, Mallorca. Now I'm home again, but I'll leave for Copenhagen in four days. I had a wonderful time in Palma, it was really warm and just what I needed. And I bought a pair of gladiator sandals. Joy!



I love this editorial. The hair, the models, the... atmosphere. And the casette in the second photo, haha.

Photos: Foto Decadent

Serious Problem

Help, help. Tomorrow I'm leaving to spend four weeks on the sea, and packing is a total nightmare. Obviously I can't bring too much, because there's no room in out boat. But the fact that I can't shower every day is freaking me out, so at least I want clean clothes every day. AND, I don't want to walk around in just t-shirts and shorts for a month. In other words, I have to figure out something brilliant. Oh. Wish me luck.



Soo. I changed the layout a bit. Red is way cooler anyway.

Over to more interesting things; I have a little question for you. Over the past months I've sort of convinced myself that high waist don't look very good on me. But today I tried to tuck my sweater into my shorts, and I kind of liked it. What do you think? Sweater in or out of shorts?