too lazy to blog

well, mondays and tuesdays aren't really interesting anyway. i've had popcorn, slept, bought a bus, cheated on my tests... the bus part was kinda scary. busses are expensive.
and obviously the place to be now is PARIS, too bad i'm there a month from now, when fashion week is over. still, i can't wait. paris. spring. yay.
and oh! check this out. w00t w00t


Ingrid said...

Jeg er der om 19 dager!

Ingrid said...

Ja, fashion week er over da også.

Ingrid said...

Men det er jammen ikke lenge til!

Ingrid said...

Gledir meg!

Ane said...

Kult skjørt.

newton_and_darwin said...

ohoo buss ass, jeg tok banen thats raad

iblamecoco said...

how come?
are you going alone or with like organistated form school?

Aurora said...

oh var i paris forrige uke. Herlig vår der nå:)

Reinedelaseine said...

no fucking way! that elle picture thing is awesome!!!

Anonymous said...

høhø. jeg prøver å unngå sånne "korr har du kjøpt det dææær?"-spørsmål, men nå må jeg bare.

hvor er skjørtet fra? det var fint, vel.

maja casablancas said...

i'm going with my french class :)

og skjørtet er fra.. tamtatam.. h&m. hehe

Luna said...

paris er kjærleik

THEA said...

Oh, kjendis blitt

Anonymous said...

Wow, for et kult skjørt!
Silly S

g said...

indeed paris is the place to be at the moment ! love your skirt and the whole blogging. you're pretty inspiring

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