bye oslo. hi rome.

i'm back on sunday.
jordan bennett, andreasbanderas
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Anonymous said...

I reallyreallyreally like the first picture. The Doors = <3 And she is too pretty. :)

Catalog Anna said...

i dig the saying.

Anonymous said...

Haha genialt den siste der:P

Anonymous said...

i love those pics

Anonymous said...

andreasbanderas <3

Elle est où ma caisse? said...

that outfit is awesome
have fun in rome

Marie rocks my socks said...

Kos deg in Rome!
Likte godt typoen i det siste bildet der!

Anonymous said...

Kos deg :) Likte bildene xD skjønner ikke hvor du finner alle de..

Anonymous said...

Det där håret får mig att svimma, jag ska ha sånt jag med, snart!

dandywarhol said...

i love cintia

Female Action Star said...

Love her hair!!! Have fun!


MARTEKNOX. said...

er dette mote? syntes du dette er fint? tror du hun jenta virkelig liker the doors?

ja. det er de evige spørsmålene.

Jimena said...


maria memi said...

love the pictures. great feeling!

Elisabeth said...

Hei Maja, digger deg! vit at du er et stort forbilde! :-)

Taryn said...

the statement is oddly true

Anonymous said...

hvilken sang er det?

. said...

are sales rising

Matilda Iréne Linnéa said...

Du har en superfin blogg. Du finns på min lista! <3


Nicholas said...

herlig å dra til roma da :)

Anonymous said...

whats ur fav party music/songs?

TMFA said...

great pictures. looks like u had a lot of fun!

maja casablancas said...

thnx 4 the compliments!

myrna loy: er dette mote? det kommer an på hvordan du definerer mote. jeg vil si at det er et fotografi av en jente som har på seg klær. syntes du dette er fint? åpenbart. tror du hun jenta virkelig liker the doors? det er godt mulig, men det er irrelvant her synes jeg. foto og virkelighet er to forskjellige ting.

anonymous: whatever the big black dot plays. www.myspace.com/thebigblackdot

Anonymous said...

The pics are fantastic, where is that Cintia picture from? Seen different pics from that ed and but I don't know where they're from.

Your blog is extraordinary!

maja casablancas said...

it's from jordan bennetts homepage! click the link.
and thank you <3

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