do you prefer chewing gums to candies or the other way round? i'm a chewing gum-girl, but you cant really compare it to candy in my opinion.
your parents are cool with your lifestyle? 'cool with' is an exaggeration
is there anyone you secretly admire? Not like celebrities, historical persons, family, etc. More like people that you find to be cool or fascinating that you don't really know too well, people around you, friends of friends, etc.? i admire all of my friends in some sort of way.
favorite nouvelle vague song? dance with me
hvilket kamera bruker du, eller hvordan får du bilderne dine å se så.. gamle ut? kjempefine er de! takk! de som ser gamle ut er tatt med engangskamera eller olympus om-1. jeg redigerer dem ikke eller noe. de digitale bildene er tatt med canon eos etellerannet (nr. står ikke) og de redigerer jeg i photoshop.
what do you wish you could do/say/have right now? i'm quite satisfied the way things are atm
movies you recommend? the aristocats. coffee and cigarettes. blow up. belle de jour.
why did you start blogging? What blogs do you recommend? boredom probably. i recommend the ones on my linklist and those from answer-post nr. one.
is it normal for young teens to party so much in Oslo? (like 15-16) i have no idea what 15-16 year olds are doing in oslo, maybe you should ask them.
how do you get so many readers? it seems impossible to me, that people just finds out about a blog! do you told everyone you met that you where blogging, or did just the blogs name popped up in random peoples head while they where sleeping! tell me. haha, i try not to tell anyone about my blog, especially in the beginning i was almost embarrased about it. frankly i have no idea how i got so many readers, but i guess it's got a lot to do with my media-apperances.
er Lars Kjelsnes kjærst'n din? javisst
hva er bouncing-frekvensen din på utestedene i Oslo? hvilket utested liker du best/minst? hvis jeg kunne velge ville jeg vært på blå hele tiden, men det kan jeg ikke. for et år siden var det gøy på fisk&vilt, men nå er det ganske krise. jeg synes alltid det er gøy på the villa, men det er aldri noen som blir med dit. revolverkjellern har hatt en del bra klubber i det siste, men det morsomste er alltid de hemmelige festene. (lol.)
lever dead fleurette/femme fatigante fortsatt, har dere kontakt? det gjør hun, jeg møtte henne senest forrige uke. vi ser hverandre ganske sjelden nå for tiden da.
kan du synge rent? ja
gå i spagaten? en gang i tiden
stupe? sist jeg stupte brakk jeg nesten ryggen, så det har jeg ikke gjort på noen år.
what's your favorite CUSS WORD! fuck probably. simple and very useful.
do you look at pics from when you were 14 and laugh or did you always have this nice style? at 14 i was a little converse girl with dark bangs and ripped jeans. i didnt have the best style or anything, but i dont laugh at it now either.
liker du Bruce Springsteen? nei i grunn ikke
hva var knirkinga på hytto? og i den derre badstua alle snakker om? lolz
do yo got readers from all over the place? pretty much
hvem liker du mest: Farhad på Fisk og Vilt eller Tarek på BLÅ? elsker begge to
hvem har størst brød? Hanne eller Marie? hanne vel, det ser alle.
what's your zodiac sign? cancer
and im considering visiting oslo, so what are things to do and places to visit for someone in your age(me)? hmmm. it depends on when you're here, send me an email!
I know that u think its important to be unique, independant and creative. Do u secretly look down at many of ur readers, thinkink they are kinda pathetic to admire u so much and not having their own sense of style? absolutely not
are u scared when some asks u questions about urself and ur weight that u might influence them to do something stupid, like starve themselves or something like that? maybe a little, so i dont answer. well frankly i dont even know my own weight.
how much influence do u think u have over ur blog readers as a role model? do u think they listen to u and try and copy u? i have no idea! do you?
what is your view on hipsters? Do you consider yourself a hipster? Can you see why people might perceive you as one? my view on hipsters is that they dont exist. no wait, my view on hipsters is that they are people who think hipsters exist and try to be like them.
are you passionate about or interested in anything political? in that case, what? i think you have to be pretty stupid not to be interested in politics, as it has crucial influence on your life wether you like it or not. but i think the word 'passionate' is a little exaggerated, politics depress me.
what fields do you wish interested you more? cooking
who do you think is the "objectively" (/commercially) prettiest male and female person in the world (this excludes your boyfriend and anyone you might find to be pretty or beautiful because of their inner qualities). as in "guilty pleasures", etc. ehhhhhhh maaaybeee... louis garrel and natalia vodianova.
hva er favorittmodellen din? omahyra mota
hvor gammel er du? 19
hvordan kom du med i den BikBok tingen? de ringte og spurte "hejhej vil du bli med til miami?" det ville jeg såklart.
har du et bilde av deg når du var sånn 15år? jada. her har jeg nettopp sølt øl over hele buksa og prøver å tørke den med en hårføner. class.
how old were you the first time you were drunk? fourteen
are you naturally skinny? yes
how do you find all these photographers and artists when you're so young, I mean, have you had a lot of time on your hand, just finding art like that? it simply interests me, i go to exhibitions, read books and magazines, surf the internet... you know. and i go to art school so of course we learn alot there.
what will you do when you're 34? i have absolutely no idea.
have you heard that white lighters are bad luck? no, are they?
what are you three favourite designers? ann demeulemeester, dries van noten, elsa schiaparelli. right now at least.
is it true that Norwegians are more into the occult than other people? haha, dunno?
which drugs have you used? you don't need to know.
what things in your life do you think have been the most influencial? (people places, experiences etc.) that is 1. too hard to answer and 2. too personal.
how many languages do you speak/read and which ones? norwegian, sweedish, danish, english, french.
and finally, what is your favorite color to paint your nails/do you usually have your nails painted? i barely ever paint my nails anymore, but if i do: rouge noir.
Beste bildet ever.
lever dead fleurette/femme fatigante fortsatt, har dere kontakt? det gjør hun, jeg møtte henne senest forrige uke. vi ser hverandre ganske sjelden nå for tiden da.
haha <3
that picture! so cute. you look.. how to say it? I dunno. real? lovely!
haha, jeg trodde du skrev at favorittfilmen din var the aristocRats... lol
you speak 5 languages!? ahh i wish i was european and cultured >.<
haha dont feel bad, norwegian, swedish and danish is practically the same
Var i köpenhamn i somras och förstod inte ETT ord av vad dom sa. Dom förstod inte mig heller. Sen kan man inte svenska/norska bara för man förstår vad dom säger på tvn. Skulle gärna höra dig snacka svenska dock.
jeg er rå i svensk! dansk har jeg dog mer problemer med muntlig, men jeg kan skrive/lese det ganske perfekt. (spørsmålet var jo "how many languages can you speak/read")
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