mye penger lite stil nei... omvendt

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Lena said...

I want to read it! Can you scan the text? Cool cool.

Amanda said...

du er kul, du! :)

Sofki said...

YAY maja is prrrrrouddddd ! <3

you look like a little chinese baby girl with your hair pulled back like this! I wanna squeeze the shit out of you.

Ingy said...

Beauty and style go hand in hand!

saurora said...

hei kan jeg få beina dine

ep said...

må inrømme at jeg syns du er litt kul :)

maren said...

så det. kjempekuuul

Anonymous said...

totally loving it
youve got a great blog, keep it up!
if you’ve got a few seconds and like cute dresses, go to http://www.sway.com/acree and put in your email, it will make you a part of sway, who is launching their collection in the fall…and it sends me to vegas! i need a 1,000 girls to sign up before august, and it would mean the world to me, thanks!
keep up your awesome inspiration, i’ve linked you on my blog roll!


Sabina said...

I like your blog! :))
Come check out mine, I think you will like it (or so I hope? :)) Also, I'd like to invite you to check out my makeup and accessories giveaway - it ends in 5 days, so hurry up if you are interested in winning some nice goodies :))

I hope to hear from you soon.
Have a wonderful day!

iamronel said...

awesome..like to read it as well

ronelmarin.net said...

great magz i think

Marinka said...

It seems great! Will you scan it!

heart stoppingly beautiful said...

so pretty

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