it´s time to sum up the last year of the decade.
januarystarted out with a fab new years eve

and was generally a lot like this
februaryoslo fashion week and the parties that come with it

i spent a week of sea, sun, photoshooting and free drinx in miami with bik bok.

and came home

and helped fitts on one of their concerts... lol
marchhanded out the prize for best club 2008 at the oslo awards

and spent a weekend at the nicest cabin at beitostølen (aka bloggestølen) with a gang of cute people
aprilwe shot the donkeyboy video

and it finally started to get warmer. and lars and chrissy celebrated their birthdays
mayboikotta russetiden

hung in shop windows all over scandinavia

and it got really warm and all we did was hang out in parks
junechrissy and i djed together

then i finished school and went to hove

and hurt my foot
julywe had a shrimp party in the backyard

i turned 19

visited jostein in åsgårdstrand

and went to stockholm with my boyfriend. here´s me and carolina at f12

came home and went straight to copenhagen
augustmore park-hangout

then fashion week, struts, flaks/uflaks, øya, public breakdown, new school and new hair
septemberstarted working in hell... i mean coop mega. cut my hair again. voted for the first time. and met my biggest fan! haha. hi daniel.
octoberhad a fun night at revolver

moved out of my girl's room

and into a high-ceilinged dream of an apartment with j and m.

i dragged my new roomie to a marlene birger opening (not her in the picture tho)
novemberwe had our housewarming party

and all paries seemed to be invaded by these hot pink drinks
decemberwork work work. christmas parties. and finally some holiday.

ph: lars kjelsnes, madeleine schultz, kamilla langeland, private, daniel andersen, øyvind engebretsen, julie chiku, carolina engman, jostein wålengen, smuglesning, oslonights, henriette kværneng