keeping this silly blog. but it was fun while it lasted! feel free to follow me from here on twitter or flickr. or both. thanks for everything!
xxx maja
EDIT: thank you for all the kind words, i just want you to know this is something i have thought over for a long time, and
i have other reasons besides turning 20 ;-) take care.

ph julia fjeldalen
haha, crazy it's really over? I've realised I've been following your blog since..'08 I'd say? Whoa. Happy birthday Maja, you were really one of my favorites!
i just came across your site & i love it ! its so cute - love the pics! DEF following you ♡
love the concept !
id love for you to check out my blog. I constantly host giveaways and interact with my readers.
My next giveaway will be hosted in a week or so!
xo elena
noooooo! :(
will the site be closed off?
you're amazing and thank you for polkadots vodkashots i get so many inspirational ideas from your blog.
and happy birthday!!!! :)
happy birthday maja!
so sad to see the blog go
happy birthday maja!
i have only recently your blog so am sad to see it go.
will definately check out your flickr
happy birthday darling !
neeeej! :(
You cant be serious, can u?!
And happy b'day, hope ull have a great day!
noo! you're my inspiration n#1!
happy birthday beautiful grrl!
your blog really was my favourite out there.
i wish you a very happy birthday :)
Gratulerer med dagen!
Trist at du skal slutte å blogge... Er det en liten sjangse i verden for at du velger å fortsette? (Det er lov å håpe)
That´s a BAD reason.
I´m gonna miss you.
I am actually genuinely sad that you're stopping your blog :'( Becoming 20 is no reason to stop one of the best blogs on the internet ;D Anyway your blog will still be one of my favourites. Also have a really great birthday HAPPY BIRTHDAY XXXX <3
:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
Happy Birthday!
But you can't stop blogging :( NO!!!
happy birthday. it's been my favourite blog.
trist, har fulgt bloggen din fra 08 og virkelig elsker bloggen din. håper inderlig du ombestemmer deg :(
gratulerer med dagen !! :)
happy birhtday...
Happy birthday!!
Your blog is truly amazing, I will miss it...
Aww, sad face! It's been fun xx
Please, don`t stop blogging just because you`re 20 :( Please, please, please! I will miss you :(
Happy birthday!
seriously?! the crazy pictures you always find/take make me happy everyday, what will I do now? you blog is the most cool-but-freaky blog I know, that's sad it ends
takk for en fin blogg, og gratulerer med dagen
Happy birthday! :)
booo how sad
I loved your blog while it lasted!
Happy Birthday
happy bday!
i'll miss ur blog, but i'll follow u on flickr :)
Happy Birthday
But noooo, you can't stop blogging :(:(
Jeg har fulgt bloggen din siden du var på coveret av Spirit og du har vært en kjempe inspirasjon! Jeg har lyst å være naiv nok til å tro at du ikke gir opp bloggingen og at dette bare er en pause.
Gratulerer med dagen!
yea the reason's not good enough
it has been my favorite blog
my too. sad, that re living.
bye bye to the best blog ever!
I just starting bloggig with 20! Start a new one. please. If you wont-truely you get best wishes for your new Centruy! LOve Emily
I've followed you since 2008 and your blog gives me some sort of hope that their is half decent people in this world. Just because your 20 doesnt mean you have to stop blogging, your lifes too interesting, I suggest maybe a month or so out and then come back and fill everyone in. We love you and your blog, much love xxx
sad if you stop blogging, there aren´t many blogs like this one
anyway happy bday!
oh no I just found your blog about 2 months ago and I really like it. But hey, happy birthday and it's all about you.
Dear Maja,
Happy birthday!
and it makes me truly sad, to know you'll live your blog! I've been following you since 2008, I love the style, your taste, and your life is interesting and fun to 'follow'
happy birthday!! have a lovely day and sorry to hear about the blog decision ahhhhhhh i will miss your blog, it's the first thing I check when I am online.
anyways, maybe you will make another blog? :D here's hoping
velkommen til tyve!
men, usj da ...
Kan du legge ut flere videoer på youtube?
Gratulerer med dagen! Men du kan ikke slutte å blogge for deeet! :(
Gratulerer med dagen!
men det er så trist at du ikke skal fortsette med blogginga. Denne bloggen gjør meg så glad =D
Vil definitivt følge med på flickr ^^
Noooo! I feel sad. But what a nice way to end it all. You kick ass! Keep up the good work, and good luck with everything <3 <3 <3
Happy birthday :)
I think this thing with you turning 20 and you can leave the blog is bullshit!
If you really need a reason for continuing doing this beautiful thing you do then think of the many readers you have.
Let's take myself for instance. I'm from an eastern european country, i am not that into fashion and stuff, but once i found your blog i was hooked. It's not just a blog, it's a part of who you are. It's like you allow us to discover a little bit of you at every post.
In the same time, if you feel like this is enough then you should stop.
But before you make a decision think if this is really what you want? are you sure you want to give up this part of you?
Good luck and be the best of the best no matter what decision you make...
A blog is a way to express yourself no matter how old you are.
Happy B-day.
i know it seems silly but i couldn't open my computer without a short look on your blog, really.
thank you for everything.
and happy
i wish you all the best in your life.
p.s. it's true, all what you said.
dust! nei, jeg skal ikke være så slem. men alle stenger bloggene sine for tiden.
happy birthday (: it'll be sad to say bye to your blog, but i'll follow you on twitter!
what oana said, gurl....
Damn. What a disappointment. But hell, it's been good. I wish you luck, and a happy new year.
maja :( this has seriously been my favourite blog since 2008 or something, i love it. really... this is just not happening right now. you always inspired me the most, especially because you have your own sense of style and your own way of blogging which one really doesn't find anywhere else! i really hope that this is either some kind of joke or just a blog-free phase that will pass really quickly .. shit. seriously, what makes you think that you can't have a blog when your "grown up"? plenty of normal adults have blogs, but whatever, i don't want to bug you any longer, this is your decision. happy birthday.
maja, your blog's been the coolest one in the world.
because you are not only beutiful but also an artist and very brave, having a blog like this that everyone knows about.
and of course common sense tells you to stop it. and common sense is right.
you will surely find something else to be wonderful and creative and adorable at besides blogging. but we're going to lose the image of a beautiful nevergrownupgirl that everyone wants to be, that's why eveyone is telling you to keep on blogging.
but maja - happy birthday! and good luck...
are you CRAZY or what?? your blog's amazing... you can't do that!
already missing you.
I love you.
fuck you. elsker bloggen din, og deg
hello betweenager
love how you are trying really hard to look serious but I can read your thoughts Maja :
“Meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow……”
goodbye....... see you in heaven. posterchildforspiritualpollution.blogspot
gratulerer med dagen som var. og jeg kommer til å savne bloggen din.
aww shit. Loved your blog. I will regularly check out your flickr now...
Happy birthday anyway!
you're amazing, thanks for keeping your blog going for as long as you have :)
happy birthday & farewell my fave blogger!
aaw ;( you were my favorite
Happy Birthday!!:)
eh.. in heaven?
oh no. thats bad news. I'll miss your blog and your sense of style. you'll always be an it-girl to me!
Loads of love<3 Lina
Oi, det var en brå slutt kan man vel si. Men da er det jo en god anledning til å fortelle hvor inspirerende du er. Ikke bare måten du kler deg på, men holdningen din. Jeg har fått et intrykk av at du ikke tar deg selv for høytidelig, det er en bra egenskap. Også virker du veldig smart, kunsterisk, kreativ, vakker, orginal. Du er en av mine viktigste inspirasjon kilder. Måten du klær deg på, jeg vil gå så langt at jeg vil si at jeg ikke hadde sett ut sånn jeg gjør i dag, hadde det ikke vært for deg. Haha, dette var kleint å skrive.... Men hvis jeg ser deg en gang, skal jeg si hei til deg, og si at du er kul. Lover. Lykke til med det du planlegger å gjøre. Hilsen Elise.
dear Maja,
I just wanted to let you know how much I have enjoyed your blog over these last few are truly an interesting and original gal!
I hope you change your mind, or maybe start another blog sometime soon.
happy birthday!
i really loved your blog. you were the one person whose style i would follow completely. thankyou for the inspiration :)
please leave it open on the internet!
oh maja, takk for at du taught me to never grow up!
happy b'day maja!! & best of luck for ur future..hope this helps (yeh it's long but it's worth it) thanks :)
Happy B-day.
I have loved reading your blog daily, iam sad to see it go. Good luck.xx
could you tell us what your other reasons are?
i'm so increadibly sad about this, it's absolutely ridiculous :( favourite blog
happy birthday maja,
what a pity that you stop bloggin´-
maybe you start again when you turn 40?
have a nice day.
good bye! i loved your blog
vær så snill, jeg elsker bloggen din!Har lest/sett hvert eneste innlegg i 2 år(?)nå. Kan ikke du bare ta en veldig lang bloggpause?
alt skjer når jeg er et par dager uten nett. gratulerer masse med dagen:) trist at du slutter, men skjønner deg godt samtidig. du har vært en stor inspirasjon de siste årene:)
goddamn it, i love you maja.
adjø.. lest bloggen din siden den ble postet i Det Nye. Favoritt bloggen rip.
Aw, this is rather sad, but thanks for sharing your beautiful style and wonderful photography with us for as long as you have.
All the best x
Such a lovely dress. Those dots so cute.
Happy birthday!
lovely blog !
I'm going to miss you! Such a lovely blog. xxx
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU.. but please don't stop blogging :(
Neei! Denne bloggen har betydd så mye for meg! Det er den eneste bloggen jeg har fulgt helt fra 2008 da jeg oppdaget moteblogger:(
Håper du vil fortsette likevell!
Og gratulerer med dagen som var:)
this is a real great loss in the blogger industry
as with many other readers, i've been following this blog for the past couple of years and i'm sad to know that you've decided to stop blogging.. but hey the choice is yours! polkadots-vodkashots has been an inspiration to me, thank you. i'll definitely miss it!
kristin xx
Takk for en deilig blog!
One last image of Maja smiling after the Bourgeois Stallion concert at the MILK&MONEY release party:
hope you had the best b-day.. sad that you're ending this blog tho
best luck to you xxx
Nice partly desaturated picture!
You make me feel old!
thanks for keeping the blog for as long as you have, you're inspirational and all the best :)
Haha, that's really a funny..
I really liked your blog, I am looking forward to see more of your work in the future!
pity! but happy bday....
lovely outfit.
i've been following this blog for a long time. always love
Lovely dots..a lot of love
det har vært veldi kjekt å følge deg! takk for et godt øye og en god penn!
I understand. Happy b-lated birthday and good luck. :)
Åh jeg har lest bloggen din super lenge, men skjønner hva du mener.
Grattis med dagen som var:)
I actually never quite understood the extent of your irony at times. Great blog regardless! RIP
come baack
You will be missed.
Best of luck to you!
lust lust lusting these polka dots.. what a perfect summer dress!
Could we bribe you into coming back with lace, kittens and perfume and maybe some wine? Come backkkkk!
oh vilken underbar klänning!
hei maja! håper alt går fint. savner bloggen din, men fint at den fortsatt er her så man kan se på den :)
sees rundt!
what's the real reason ?
happy birthday!! nice dress
so we are never going to see you again? ;<
Please come back!!!!:)
pretty nice look! she looks like a sunny summer day! just briliant!:)
you can also visit and follow my blog:
little bit lena hoschek and a little bit, sweet fruits <3
love this pic
nydelig bilde!
Hello!! I turned 20 las week as well :) i really like your blog!! it will be nice if you could check my :)
I miss this blog so much!! I always go to click on 'polkadots & vodkashots' in my bookmark favourites when I'm on the computer.
Miss miss miss miss miss and love
come baaaaaaack
i miss you
love the dots really pretty
I like the muted colors here
-Alex |
TOO bad
savna deg maja!
I fookin' miss you
I miss you- you are the coolest person ever!!
- honestly, you inspired me.
I miss you too, I've always loved your blog!
u cute people! i promise you'll see me again, just not here.
I want you back.
You where the best inspiration.
cute blog girl! and happy birthday!!
x sab@
still miss your blog!
miss you a lot.seriously.
I miss your blog very much, I don't think you will ever read this but yeah..... I hope everything goes well!
mh, since july i have been coming here again and again, i wait for the day that you write something new. or that you update your cellphone diary ;)
all the best.
Get all celebrity fashion here
i love polkadots!
start dreaming on
love the dress dear
fantastic outfit and shots
wow! twenties are really cool! hope all your wishes come true and you goals to be reached!
pretty pictures!
feel free to Follow Me xoxo
twitter: @FASHION_ICE
sooooo sadddd....
all i can say is wow!
she is amazing!
Hope your having a Merry Christmas!!
sweet mushrooms
and vodka
really good blog <3
ich liebe deine shirt!
lots of love,
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Maja! You promised we would see you again, but where and when? Hope you'll show up soon.
Happy Birthday! I like your blog!
goodluck in life!
we really loved your blog <3
xo, camilla & valerie
maja you say we will see you again...HOW CAN WE FIND YOU?
If you start another project I want to be sure I can find it...
I love the pic
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vææææær så snill å begynne å blogge igjen!!1
still read yr blog!! miss you sometimes tho heh :)
you should blog again. your blog has been amating xxx
Happy bday, but you don't have to be a teenager in order to blog! Even Anna Dello Russo blogs. Everybody blogs. Don't do that, it's sad :(
This is such an amazing picture!
I own this exact same dress!
I have just discovered your blog and I must admit I love it. It has gone directly into my must reads.
Keep it up I will surely come back regularly.
you look so lovely.....
Happy Bday, love your blog, xxx
Such a cool dress! <3
Loving that dress!xx
Maja, it has been good to read your blog and thought of leaving this word of appreciation.
Hi julia.. i love your blog and in behalf of that youre so pretty in red polka dot dress :)
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Good you have turn 20...will follow you on twitter.
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