vous n'avez pas des os en verre

i'm not quite sure what to do after school, but i know one thing; i'm gonna move to paris.

a friend and i are planning on living in an apartment like this:

the only furniture we'll need is two beds, huge closets, a mirror and a bath tub.

and we'll have a cat with no name to hang out in our window sill.

and people will come over and we'll have to sit on the floor, but it won't matter.

we'll borrow each others clothes and spend the nights smoking and looking at the stars from our balcony, i'll make him cook us breakfast, or maybe we'll go out and eat, or maybe we don't need to eat that much at all. and we'll do things for no particular reason and drink coffee from wine glasses and have eight lovers each and run a magazine together. and just maybe we'll be extremely happy.


NinaBallerina said...

høres ut som en vidunderlig ide :)

Best Friend 2.0 said...

hvem er vennen din? er det meg? for jeg hadde tenkt til å gjøre akkurat det samme

maja casablancas said...

dessverre. men du kan komme på besøk hvis du vil?

OK said...

Jeg liker drømmene dine=) Jeg for min del, flytter nok heller noen år til enten London eller Berlin:)

annabananna said...

sounds perfect to me! i'll come for a visit.

sunni said...

that's what i want to do aswell, except i've forgotten all my french. oh well, maybe that will make it even more interesting!

Kirstie Sequitin said...

sounds perfect. i'm planning something similar. :P just need a job first aha

Ingrid said...

Hva er greia med stygg skrift'a?

Jeg vil flytte til Montepellier eller hvordan det nå skrives gaaawd!

Anonymous said...

ohh, that sounds so romantic... I've always wished I could control my dreams, and they would be something like that.

m said...

ahh, beautiful. plutselig deler jeg drømmen din

Lea said...

I'm gonna move in a flat like that in august, with my sister :) If you want a cat for your future apartment we can give you Simone. Well, it's not a "no-name slob", cuz it's called Simone, but well... It's cute but very very stupid. Haha, joking.

Ane said...


Anonymous said...

eller kanskje du skal komme deg ut av din fantasti-boble og se hva som skjer verden?

Anonymous said...

Kan du ta med meg å? Min drøm er nesten helt lik:)

maja casablancas said...

you can all come visit! haha

anonym: hvorfor det?

Unknown said...

So cute. I'm french so I'l portably move somewhere els.

Paris is beautiful in december, a lot of stores have little red lights who form a x-mas pattern on the outside.

Poala said...

Pretty pretty pretty plan
I want to live in an abandon cinema, perhaps one day…

Te said...

That sounds like a beautiful existence. I can imagine an entire room full of clothing racks and shoe trees. Paradise.

Anonymous said...

du er så ufattelig tåpelig.hvor har du fått denne ideen fra? cory kennedy? sex and the city? alle andre jenter som er 17 år og synes vintage shops er det kuleste? eller kanskje fra i-D?(som du såklart abonnerer på)

maja casablancas said...

hva i all verden har dette med cory, satc, 17åringer, vintagebutikker og i-d å gjøre?

hvis du synes det er tåpelig å ha drømmer synes jeg litt synd på deg.

Anonymous said...

Haha, it's so good to dream... Who knows, when you'll be able afford 850€ per month for 30m2 :-D

Anonymous said...

koslig med drømmer, men du har bare selvsentrerte drømmer. hva å drømme om å kanskje gjøre noe for andre? jeg prøver ikke å være så veldig negativ, eller noe, men det kan være en idé :) ellers vil jeg bare påpeke at du skriver bra og har en fin stil, selv om hele moteblogg greia har blitt hypa til skyene. håper du får en fin dag

Anonymous said...

hi^^ you have a really creative site and i like your fantasy about paris, it sounds really fun:)I have the same glasses as you.. in the issue of inside that you were in! the heart ones:)

Lee Jones said...

that is the definition of all my goals in life. haha

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