New year's eve means glitter! As I feel sequin kind of died when Gina Tricot came along, I'll go for diamonds instead. Huge, fake diamonds. And sparkly nail polish, like the one I wore in kindergarten. Woho! I think this will be a great night.
Underwear aso
No, this is not some weird hat; I got new panties! They're shiny and pink and red and super ugly and I love them very much. And I'm listening to Beirut. And I'm watching The Breakfast Club. Perfect.

Material girl
A wink and a smile
Natalia Vodianova + i-D + banana + smeared makeup & messy hair + simple bra (save the lace stuff for your socks) = yes yes yes

Happening of the day: Johanne cut her thumb and bled all over the place. Seriously. People followed the blood staines into our classroom and wondered who got murdered. LOADS of blood. Huhuh. Blood is fascinating (I once made a painting from my own blood, which I realize was creepy and we dont need to talk about it anymore) but if you need to stop the floods; do it in style! These band-aids from fred flare are so cool I'd wear them all over. No need for wounds.

fun to find yourself when scrolling through other people's blogs. I remember this girl took my picture on Crystal Castles in november;

Today I've angsted out a bit, made gingerbread, read about pragmatism, listened to Interpol's 'our love to admire' that Mathias gave to me even though its not my birthday and not yet christmas (Mathias is the best), thought about shutting down my blog and then decided not to. It will probably be pretty boring around here this week though - christmas is killing me. But prepare for cute-attac around the 24th!

Well, this was yesterday. But I wanted to show you my new, homemade and wonderful jewelry! Haha. Rrrreally complicated stuff. Anyway; my beloved little gun (neither homemade nor new though), a dinosaur which glows in the dark (hooray!) and a fuse from a fluorescent tube thing. Yeeees. Click on the pic for details.
I Haunt Wizards
Yes. I found this band on myspace - I Haunt Wizards. Three little cuties from London with a keyboard and some game boy chips. They say they have no musical influences, but I can hear some serious Crystal Castles in those songs. But we like CC dont we, so no probs. They're inspired by magic spells, voodoo dolls, s.t.d's, hyponosis, brain implants, needles, insomnia, pyromania, discharge, women who squirt and Tokyo. AND they have a dinosaur in their logo! Which makes them awesome. So check them out;

Who need new clothes?
Last night was fun! After some messing around we finally ended up on Upopulær's birthday party @ Pi, where Jerry Bouthier from Boombox/Kitsune was djing, and Bitchee Bitchee Ya Ya Ya played. Very nice. Very tired today. I was supposed to lots of important things today, but instead I just sorta... fell asleep. Woke up at 6 pm, and now I have to go to this familiy christmas party thingie. Oh well.
This is the only picture I got last night. LOVELY
Today's simple outfit... But look; ponytail!!! Oh em gee. This is the first time in ages that I have done anything to my hair but, well, wash it. Now it's hangin loose again though, and I'm off to get drunk on wine in my tinsy new dress. C ya.
Learn by heart
It's important to know what the different knife parts are called you know. Yes yes yes. Photo from

I made this last week or something, just some random cobrasnake pics. I love the man to the left! (cut out his face though.) Do hang all your little owls and electronics around your neck. And wear glasses. And fake fur. Also, I have always thought that I'm a person who don't wear sneakers, don't ask me why. But I feel a little change in the wind says I! I think I'm in desperate need of a pair actually. Will wait till spring though. (Bloody ice, bloody winter.)

More yellow!
Or maybe it's just narcissism
Today I bought something like the world's tiniest dress. I think I need to invest in some serious tights... Haha. I actually wanted the plum/purple one, cause it's cooler, plus two of my friends allready have it in black, but they didn't have it in my size. So. Black is nice too. I suppose this is what you call a little black dress.
Andandand! It's got POCKETS. How brilliant is that.
Where it all happens
Someone asked me if I could post some pics of my room, and you know I only live to serve you, so here you go;
1. Books and bottles. And I found my Furby! It's permanently asleep though, as I remeber it to be quite fucking annoying.
2. MY DESK, where I spend most of my time... Hahaha. Spiderman.
3. Accessory corner. I just stash it all there and then forget it. Bad habit.
4. Actually a sofa, I just never get around to clean up after sleep-overs.
6. My bed. Tacky sheets, woho!
7. More clothes. And my foot. Mmmhm.
Looks surprisingly tidy today.
She's lost control
Oh, hi
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