I found it somewhere at home, and have used it alot lately, at school, parties and garbage picking, and now three rocks have fallen out. And I just found out; THEY'RE REAL EMERALDS. Shit. I have lost three emeralds. Lovely.
Halloween right, so I dressed up as a ghost in school. Sadly no one took my picture, and now I'm in my favourite gray hoodie again, so you'll just have to use your imagination. But I can assure you, I am a very sexy ghost.
Not so sexy on the other hand; I had to play trashman after school (in heels and everything) to earn money for my all-month-long graduation party. Which is in two years. You need a lot of money to party for a month in a row you know. Now I'm off to eat cake. Photo from myspace.com/cklckl
Not so sexy on the other hand; I had to play trashman after school (in heels and everything) to earn money for my all-month-long graduation party. Which is in two years. You need a lot of money to party for a month in a row you know. Now I'm off to eat cake. Photo from myspace.com/cklckl

I have collected a few photos from the skullset on my school computer, so I thought I'd post some of them. Mhm.

Gettin down in the town that makes no sound
I had a great time in Lillehammer. I always love to visit my cousin, cause then we can do whatever we want to do whenever we want to do it. We took the train saturday morning, arrived at 2 pm and put our stuff in my cousin's tiny appartment. Then we went around in the town for a while and had pizza and stuff. Then we got back and had a little pre-party and got dressed, and then we went out. As I mentioned it was 'french bedroom night' so we were all dressed in lace and tackyness. The club was really cool, they even had this huge bed on the floor, and good djs... We got home at... I don't remember, 4 am maybe. And today I have done nothing but getting back to Oslo. And it got dark at 5 pm today. How depressing is that?
One two shambles
This is sort of a very shitty outfit picture. But I FOUND MY BABYSHAMBLES TEE! YAY!
I'm going to Lillehammer (tiny, insignificant town in Norway) with two friends to visit my cousin this weekend, which means no blogging. And I was going to say "read Fleurette's blog instead!" but then she went away too. And then I discovered Siggelicious has startet to blog again! Yays!

Rebel Girl
I like layers. And I love this. And I've decided to keep the new header. I just made it a bit darker and stuff. Photo from the Sartorialist.
# 3
I'm hot and you're jealous.
Let's all go to hell in a fast car!
I just saw Chicago, which I loved, and I'm now planning on being a show dancer. Just like I wanted to be a pirate after seeing Pirates of the Caribbean. Hahaha. But seriously; The costumes are pretty awesome, lots of sequin and stay-ups, which we all love. And great hair. I want Catherine Zeta-Jones' hair in this movie. Sadly my hair is way too curly and I'm way too lazy to make it look that nice everyday. Which is why I love my hair, cause I don't have to do anything about it but wash it.
Lips are turning blue
As I don't really have anything fashion related to blog about today, weird, random facts about me will do. So here it goes; I collect photos of broken glass. Because broken glass is both dirty and beautiful at the same time, which I love. (Also one of my main principles when I get dressed.) Sadly I suck at taking pictures when I see a broken window etc, plus my camera is kinda broken, so it's been pretty slow latly. But someday, when I have time, I'll borrow my photographer-dad's camera and go glasshunting. Wohoo. 
Sing for Absolution
Last night I saw Muse @ Oslo Spektrum, which was AWESOME. They are sooo good. I cried. Three times. Hahaha, omg. Christine, I saw you! But I didn't have time to say hi, damnit.
Flesh and wine and luxury
I too want to party on a roof like this. Aaah. And I want that girls shirt. The left one. Photo from the Cobrasnake.
And I have it all here in red blue green
I often think that the feet and legs are the most interesting part of the outfit, and I'm totally addicted to cool socks, tights, leggings aso. This picture is from the Sartorialist, and I like it very much. I've spent the day making a french oral presentation, and now I'm stuck with my history assignment. Lovely. See you tomorrow.
Oh, and btw, the poll is finished and the old header won, but I havent decidet what to do yet. I'm working on it.
I got up early today (well... realtively) to go to a flea market, and I ended up with quite a few funny things for the total prize of 7 $. Yays. My camera is fucked and the self-timer doesn't work, so I put on all of it and took this silly picture instead. The tights are super-ugly and I love it.
So this is a nice day for a little Kurt Cobain collage, isn't it? Hot Kurt. Messed up Kurt. Just the way we like it! Mhyes. Except he's dead, of course. Pictures from http://www.cobain.com/.
As a trend, as a friend, as an old memoria
Today I felt like being grunge and keep warm, so I just threw on every thick and woolen garment I could find. And my mom's old Doc Marten's. And I've been listening to Nirvana and thinking depressing thougts. Very depressing day. My wonderful sweater from Fretex was sold to someone else, and I didn't get my wine because of this and that, and I'm sick and tired and I don't know what to do tonight. But at least I bought hot pink lace socks and white lace gloves. Awesomeness.
Yesterday's outfit in color etc.
Gimme gimme gimme!
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